
Arum achieves certifications with international standard-setting body 20 APRIL 2018

Arum achieves certifications with international standard-setting body

Arum has successfully achieved world-class, globally recognised ISO certifications for its consultancy, credit management, debt collections and recovery services across the UK. These standards ensure our clients have additional confidence that the service received from Arum is of ISO standard, reliable and of good quality, with a robust management system in place to deliver on commitments.

“Achieving certifications to these standards means our clients can expect quality, confidence and trust from Arum across all these key areas,” said Mark Johnston, Chief Executive Officer of Arum. “An independent, expert verification of our processes, environmental management standards, health and safety and IT systems has confirmed that we follow best practice and that our business is managed in line with ISO’s international recommendations.”

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is an independent, standard-setting body recognised in 161 countries. It promotes worldwide proprietary, industrial and commercial standards. These standards provide world-class specifications for services and systems, saving businesses and consumers from having to carry out their own compliance research.

ISO 9001, the most widely recognised standard in the world, is the international standard of best practice quality management. Achieving this means that Arum’s services consistently meet customers’ requirements, and that quality is continuously improved.

ISO 14001 helps Arum to ensure that it manages its environmental responsibilitiesand ISO 27001 is the international standard of best practice for managing sensitive company information and ensuring it remains secure. This includes assets such as financial information, intellectual property, personal records and information entrusted by third parties.

ISO 45001 is an internationally applied standard for occupational health and safety management systems and helps Arum to put in place demonstrably sound occupational health and safety performance.

The certification process was performed by an external certification body, HSEQ Smart.

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