
How do your digital & voice collections strategies stack up against your peers? 3 MAY 2022

How do your digital & voice collections strategies stack up against your peers?

On Thursday 28 April, Arum, in partnership with the Credit Services Association (CSA), hosted a webinar about the use of digital and voice collections strategies.

About this webinar

Speakers: Russell Robinson (Arum's Principal Consultant and Digital Specialist) and Jaco Snyman (Sigma Connected)

Choosing the right channel for engaging with customers is key to delivering the best customer experience. But how do you decide? When is it is right to automate the customer contact on a digital channel and when should the human touch remain a priority? Do you ask the customer how they want to engage with you, or do you set an overarching strategy and stick to it? 

Understanding the answers to these questions and others can help shape your customer contact strategy to maximise a positive customer experience.

Arum has teamed up with Sigma Connected to produce an exclusive report (following an in-depth market survey) about the use of voice and digital channels, as well as offer you a free benchmarking assessment so you can see how you compare to your peers and where you could improve your operations.

Join this webinar to:

  • Hear exclusive insights from the report
  • See how you compare to your peers when it comes to your voice and digital strategies
  • Find out how you can gain access to the full report and free benchmarking assessment

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