
Arum listed as public sector supplier on G-Cloud Framework 6 NOVEMBER 2016

Arum listed as public sector supplier on G-Cloud Framework

Arum, the debt collections and recoveries specialists, are delighted to announce that we are a supplier on G-Cloud Framework– the UK Government procurement framework for public sector bodies.

The G-Cloud framework eases procurement of services by UK public-sector departments by ensuring that all suppliers have met the rigorous standards laid out by the G-Cloud framework.  Public sector organisations procuring from companies, who have successfully met the criteria set by the Crown Commercial Service, are in turn given that extra confidence.

Arum’s Director of Business Development and Marketing, Jonathan Dunn, added:

“We are delighted to be added to the list of G-Cloud suppliers, part of the UK Government Framework. Using G-Cloud, organisations across the public sector will be assured of improved service delivery quality and value for money, something that Arum strives to do for all of our clients.”

Arum provides specialist services to an international client base in banking, utilities, BPO and public sector financial services sectors, concentrating on debt collections and recoveries. We advise clients on best practice solutions to increase collections and improve customer service, whilst improving operational efficiency.

To find out how we can help your organisation, contact us today.

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