
Arum partners with leading expert on AI and RPA 3 JULY 2018

Arum partners with leading expert on AI and RPA

Arum have launched a partnership with Andrew Burgess, an expert and thought leader in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA).

Working together, Arum and Andrew will continue to apply these technologies to enhance and improve processes and systems within collections and recoveries, building on Arum’s 20+ years of experience in this area.

Mark Johnston, Arum’s Chief Executive, commented: “There is an opportunity within C&R for us to help our clients embrace the benefits of AI and RPA. We are looking to uncover and deliver practical, applicable solutions using these technologies that will provide short-term return on investment. We have already created a practice area specifically dedicated to developing and delivering AI and RPA services.”

Andrew Burgess said of the partnership: “I’m excited to be working with Arum – this is a great opportunity to bring disruptive technologies such as AI and RPA to the collections and recoveries market where Arum are recognised as subject matter experts. This will be of huge benefit to their clients.”

About Andrew Burgess
Andrew Burgess provides thought leadership and advisory services in the use of robotic software automation and artificial intelligence in business. He is a strategic advisor to a number of disruptive and ambitious firms providing RPA services and software. Andrew is also the author of ‘The Executive Guide to Artificial Intelligence’.

About Arum
Arum is a London, Edinburgh and Dublin based consultancy, providing industry-leading collections, recoveries, and credit management solutions by leveraging trusted expertise, exciting technologies and proven practices. Our wealth of experience helps our clients achieve their vision faster.

Media contact
Hannah Woodward, Marketing & PR Manager

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